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Homework Rubric  10 points



  1. Restate the question                                                                                                      points 1
  2. Answer all parts of the question within 5 to 10 sentences                                     points 1
  3. Use complete sentences. Capitalization, punctuation, making sense                  points 1
  4. Evidence from the text                                                                                                  points 2
    1. From the text,…
    2. According to,…
    3. For example,…
  5. Elaborate on evidence in student words                                                                  points 5
    1. “Give me 5”
      1. Vocabulary, people, place, events
      2. Underline key words

Unit 1 Homework 

8.1- Why did Romans initially oppose Christianity, then how did Christianity spread quickly after the 4th Century? 

8.2- Compare and Contrast the policies of Diocletian and Constantine.

8.3- Describe and draw a graphic of the organization and leadership of the Christian Church by the 4th Centruy. 

8.5-What were the cultural contributions of the Byzantine Empire? 

Chapter Summary Assignment: Find an image related to the learning goal for Unit 1.  Include your heading, image, citation, topic with learning goal and explain how it relates to the learning goal in one sentence.  print and submit or upload to portal.  

Unit 2 Homework 

Chapter Preview: Map of Middle East from ilike2learn.com and vocabulary words:  bedouins, Quran, Sunni, Shia, Hijrah, jihad, caliph, minaret, shari`ah, Madinah, Makkah, hajj, astrolabe, arabesques, vizier

9.1- What was the significance of Gabriel's messages to Muhammad according to Islamic teachings? 

9.2- Draw a chart to identify the military, political and economic characteristics of the Umayyads, Abbasid, and Selijuk Turks. 

9.3-Describe the achievements, contributions, and key figures associated with the Islamic Golden Age. 

Chapter Summary Assignment: Find an image related to the learning goal for Unit 2.  Include: 

  1. heading with name, period
  2. image
  3. citation- copy the link/web information where you found the image
  4. learning goal- copy from learning goal and scale Unit 2
  5. summary-one sentence that explains how the image relates to the Unit learning goal


Unit 3 Homework

Africa: Trace the growth and decilne of major Sub-Saharan African kingdoms. 

Chapter Preview: Map of Africa.  Key Terms:  patrilineal, diviners, griots, import, export, stateless society, subsistence farming, Mansa Musa, Sunni Ali, bantu, Ibn Battuta, Zimbabwe, Kilwa, Timbuktu, Askia Muhammad. 

13.1- Identify the cultural characteristics of early African societies. 

13.2-Identify the key figures and significant economic, social and political characteristics of Mali. 

13.2-Trace the growth and decline of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai. 

Chapter Summary Assignment: Find an image related to the learning goal for Unit 3.  Include: 

  1. heading with name, period
  2. image
  3. citation- copy the link/web information where you found the image
  4. learning goal- copy from learning goal and scale Unit 2
  5. summary-one sentence that explains how the image relates to the Unit learning goal

Unit 4 Homework

Chapter 10 and 12: Medieval Europe

Describe the orders of medieval social hierarchy, the changing role of the church, the emergence of feudalism, and the development of private property as a distinguishing feature of Western Civilization. 

#1 (Chapter 10.1) Describe the orders of medieval social hierachy, the changing role of the Church and the emergence of feudalism. 

#2 (Chapter 10.2) Determine the factors that contributed to the growth of a modern economy.

#3 (Chapter 8.4 and 10.3) Describe the rise and achievements of significant rulers in medieval Europe. 

#4  (Chapter 12.2) Identify important figures associated with the Crusades. 

#5 (Chapter 12.3) Identify key figures, artistic and intellectual achievements of the medival period in Western Europe.  

#6 (Chapter 12.4) Describe the causes and effects of the Great Famine, the Black Death, the Great Schism of 1378, and the Hundred Years War on Western Europe.   


Unit 5

Recognize major influences on Renaissance Italy AND analyze the Roman Catholic Church's response to the Protestant Reformation.

#1 (read 15.1) Identify the economic and political causes for the rise of the Italian city-states. 

#2 (read 15.2) Recognize major influences on the architectural, artistic and literary developments of Renaissance Italy. 

#3 (read 16.1) Summarize religious reforms associated with Luther, Calvin, Henry VIII, and John of Leyden and the effect of the Reformation on Europe. 

#4 (read 16.2) Analyze the Roman Catholic Church's response to the Protestant Reformation in the forms of the Counter and Catholic Reformation. 

Key terms:  1. Humanism 2. vernacular 3. fresco  4. perspective  5. Christian humanism  6. indulgence  7. Lutheranism  8. salvation  9. predestination  10. annul 


Unit 6: The Americas 

Compare the key economic, cultural and political characteristics of the major civilizations of Meso and South America. 

#1 Describe the roles of people in the Maya, Inca and Aztec societies. 

#2 What was the role of religion in Aztec society? 

Summary Assignment

Unit 7: Exploration

Evaluate the scope and impact of the Columbian Exchange on Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas. 

#1 What were the motivations behind European exploration of distant lands. 

#2 Describe the impact of the Columbian Exchange on Europe, Africa. Asia and the Americas. 

#3 Explain the origins, developments and impact of the tans-Atlantic Slave Trade between West Africa and the Americas. 

#4 Examine the various econoimc and plitical systems of Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands, France and England in the Americas. 

Summary Assignment

Unit 8: Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment

Describe how scientific theories and methods of the Scientific Revolution challenged those of the early classical and medieval periods. 

#1 (Chapter 21.1)  Identify the major contributions of individuals associated with the Scientific Revolution. 

#2 (Chapter 21.2) Summarize the major ideas of Enlightenment philosophers. 

#3 (Chapter 21.3) How were the European rulers (Frederick II, Joseph II, Catherine II) guided by Enlightenment thought? 

#4 (Chapter 21.4)  Describe how scientific theories and methods of the Scientific Revolution challenged those of the early classical and medival periods. 

Summary Assignment 


Unit 9: Revolutions

Analuze the extent to which the Enlightenment impacted the French Revolution. 

#1. Which principals of the Englightenment can be seen in the US Constitution and Declaration of Independence? 

#2. Describe the three estates.  Which one do you believe had the most power? Why? 

#3.  Analyze the French Revolution's Reign of Terror in the context of the Enlightenment, noting its contributions to distrust for Enlightenemnt ideals.  

#4. How did Napoleon's Civil Coe address the problems with the French legal system that were there before the revolution.  

Summary Assignment

Unit 10 Nationalism and Industrialization

Learning Goal: Summarize the social and economic effects of the Industrial Revolution. 

#1 Summarize the causes, key events and effects of the unification of Germany. 

#2 Summarize the causes, key events and effects of the unification of Italy. 

#3 What was the significance of the Agricultural Revolution in Great Britain? Why did the Industrial Revolution start in Great Britian? 

#4 Compare the philosphies of capitalism, socialism and communism. 

Summary Assignment


Unit 13

Goal: The old imperial order led to the cataclysm of World War 1 which failed to resolve the underlying issues inside of major powers of the world. 

#1 How did the alliance system, militarism, nationalism, and imperialism lead to WW1. Ch. 27.1

#2 How did the war on the Eastern Front differ from war on the Western Front? Ch. 27.2  p.648-650

#3 What was the impact of total war? Ch. 27.2  p.652-653

#4 How was WW1 settled in relation to Germany's new responsibilities, and the dismantling of the German, Russian, Austro-Hungarian, and Ottoman empires? Ch. 27.4

Summary Assignment